
My beautiful Riff Raff make-up. Minus the bald cap.

My beautiful Riff Raff make-up. Minus the bald cap.


I’m Samantha Foster.

I’m new to the advertising program after having failed miserably at the business school. Thankfully I’m already liking the advertising program more than business.

I work at the VCU Student Media Center as the assistant business manager, which basically entails invoicing, keeping my boss from going insane and giving star stickers to the boys who sell ads.


My baby girl.

My baby girl.

I have a 10 month old all-black kitten named Wednesday, who likes my roommate’s room more than she likes me. She also steals my roommate’s diabetes testing supplies and hides them around the house.

I play Columbia, a groupie with a tendency to piss off Frank-n-Furter

I play Columbia, a groupie with a tendency to piss off Frank-n-Furter


I am part of Richmond’s only Rocky Horror Picture Show live shadow cast. We act the the movie as the movie plays on a screen behind us, with screen accurate costumes and props. I play Columbia, a glitter covered groupie, and Riff Raff, a balding butler with a strange obsession with his sister. Fun fact about Rocky Horror performers: we all know all the words to Time Warp, and no, we don’t want to sing along with you. We perform at Bow Tie Cinemas on Boulevard the first weekend of every month! (Come see us! Our motto is “We’re going to touch you, feel free to touch us!”)

I firmly believe that given enough coffee and red lipstick, I could rule the world, or at least not fall off my bike into the bushes.

About DearBitsy

I'm Samantha Foster, a VCU student with no real certain idea as to when I will graduate. I own a small, angry, black cat named Wednesday. She steals my roommate's diabetes testing supplies for toys. I am part of Richmond's only Rocky Horror Picture Show live shadow cast, Orgasmic Rush of Lust, where I regularly glue glitter to my face and wear thigh high fishnets.

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